24/7 Emergency Service 800-905-0277

Closet Water Damage

A flooded basement, a sewage backup, or a broken pipe gushing water are easy to find right away. But if the leak is a slow leak and hidden in a closet or behind a closet wall, you may not notice the damage as quickly.

Why is there Water Damage in my Closet?

Generally your closets are filled with items that will absorb a slow leak making it even harder to discover. Since not too many closets have a faucet in them, it’s safe to assume that the actual problem is either coming from a water line inside the walls or from an adjoining room, say your bathroom or your kitchen.

Hidden leaks can be the most dangerous. Slow leaks over a longer period of time can cause structural damage to drywall, insulation, wallpaper, and wood. Because these leaks are generally slow in nature, it is easy for mold to begin to grow between the walls or on items in the closet. Mold will spread if given a chance so it could, in time, affect other areas of your home.

What should I do if I find Closet Water Damage?

Small leaks can turn into large, expensive problems. That’s why as soon as you discover that your closet is wet you need to take action. The damage being caused by the water will only get worse as more time passes.

Empty the closet in an effort to see where the water is coming from. If it can’t be determined, you can get fast, professional help by calling Water Mold Fire Restoration at 800-905-0277. Our water damage specialists excel at determining the source of a leak, getting the water cleaned up and the wet areas dried before mold has a chance to set in.

What signs of Closet Water Damage should I look for?

Hidden leaks can be seen but there are several things to watch out for:

  • Wet carpet or flooring just outside the closet

  • Musty odors

  • Paint discoloration or bubbling

  • Warped or uneven flooring

  • Baseboard staining

  • Visible mold growth

How can I fix Closet Water Damage?

It is extremely difficult to fix something that you cannot see or find. The best thing you can do if you suspect a hidden water leak is in your closet is to turn off the main water shutoff valve in you home until the leak can be pinpointed. This will at least slow down the damage being done.

When it comes to finding a hidden leak, one of the best tools to use is a moisture detection meter. You can find these at home improvement stores but it may be better to call Water Mold Fire Restoration. In addition to moisture meters, our specialists have infrared cameras and a variety of other detection devices at their disposal. Once they locate the source of the water, they can determine the best way to access it with out doing a lot of extra damage to your walls and flooring.

What can I do to eliminate Closet Water Damage?

This may be difficult due to the fact that most plumbing is located inside the closet walls. One thing you can do is to keep the majority of the closet floor cleared of items so that any water damage can be seen quickly. Another thing you can do is if the closet adjoins a kitchen or a bathroom, check the water lines to any faucets or appliances for slow leaks or drips. That way, if there happens to be a water leak, you can address it before it flows across the floor and into your closet.

Anytime you find water damage in your home, call Water Mold Fire Restoration as soon as possible. We personally answer our phones anytime of the day or night because we know that emergencies can happen at any time. We will come to your home and inspect the damage at absolutely no cost to you. You can contact us by email at or call us at 800-905-0277. We will be glad to help.


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