Here at Water Mold Fire Restoration we know that when a homeowner finds mold somewhere in their home they know they need to take action to have it removed. We have been asked about DIY remedies such as Bio-Cide Laboratories’ Mold Bomb. Owners want to know if Mold Bomb is effective, will it do the job?
First, we want you to know that when it comes to mold in homes you are not alone. According to a study of residential homes in the United States, 33 percent of them are affected by mold or mildew. There are estimates that say that in the U.S. there are more than 138 million residential homes. That figures out to more than 45 million homes, like yours, that have a mold problem.
Mold and Your Family’s Health
Everyone has heard the horror stories surrounding homes with mold problems and many of the stories do carry a degree of truth. Mold can cause health problems like asthma, allergic reactions, and eye or skin irritations. With mold, you never know in advance who will be adversely affected by being exposed to the many different types of mold that may be present in a home. It is known that young children, seniors, and people with immune deficiencies should not be exposed to molds. If you do find mold in your home you need to take immediate action to remove it.
Using Mold Foggers
In general, mold foggers do kill mold and mold spores. And because these products are foggers, their “reach” can get into places you might not be able to get to easily using other mold killing products. And Bio-Cide Laboratories’ Mold Bomb is no exception.

What you need to do with this fogger is to place it in the area where you know you have a mold problem. If more than one room or area of your home is affected by mold you would need multiple bombs, one for each area. Evacuate all people and pets from the home. Once everyone is out simply press the tab on your fogger and walk away. Within a couple of hours the fogger should have done its job and the mold should be dead.
End of Story? Not Quite!
The mold may be dead but it isn’t gone. When you return after fogging, there will still be visible mold on your floors, walls, or ceilings. It definitely isn’t gone and it may not all be dead. The fogging agent, the mist of chemicals acts just like a rain shower.
When you first go outside after a gentle rain the first thing you notice is how fresh the air seems to be. That’s because the rain has “washed” the air, collecting any pollutants and pulling them to the ground. That’s exactly what a mold fogger does. It collects any mold spores floating in the air and pulls the mold spores to your floor. The spores may be dead but they are still there and still in your house. Scientific studies will tell you that dead mold and dead mold spores can still cause health problems. Dead mold spores still contain allergens and toxins.
There Are No Shortcuts
When mold is present in your home it doesn’t need to be killed, it needs to be removed. Another concern should be did your fogging reach inside the wall cavities? Did it reach under any carpet? Is there still active mold growing somewhere out of sight? And dead is not gone! Relying on sprays, fogging bombs, and bleach to make your home safe from mold’s dangers is an ineffective attempt to say the least.
Water Mold Fire Restoration is in the business of REMOVING mold. Safely and effectively removing the mold. Our technicians are IICRC-certified mold remediators. For the true story and expert advice about your mold issues contact us at 800-905-0277 or by email at Killing is not the same as removing. Mold needs to be removed!